
2025 Amenity Package Rates

Individual:   $  110.11
Couple:        $ 188.91
Family:         $ 246.13

(Season Amenity Package Includes Tennis, Par 3 Golf Course & Pool Use)

Daily Guest Fee: $7 per day for CA Members without an Amenities Card, $8 per day for Guests.
Vetta West Courts
United States Tennis Association
Australian Open
French Open
US Open
Tennis Racquet Size Recommendations

Height   Suggested Length
  • Up to 3'-11"    -    21"
  • 3'-11" to 4'-5"  -    23"
  • 4'-5" to 5'-0"    -    25" or 26"
  • 5'-0" +             -    Adult
The National Tennis Rating Program

1.0 - This player is just starting to play tennis.

1.5 This player has limited playing experience and is still working primarily on getting the ball over the net; has some knowledge of scoring but is not familiar with basic positions and procedures for singles and doubles play.

2.0 This player may have had some lessons but needs on-court experience; has obvious stroke weaknesses but is beginning to feel comfortable with singles and doubles play.

2.5 This player has more dependable strokes and is learning to judge where the ball is going; has weak court coverage or is often caught out of position, but is starting to keep the ball in play with other players of the same ability.

3.0 This player can place shots with moderate success; can sustain a rally of slow pace but is not comforable with all strokes, lacks control when trying for power.

3.5 This player has achieved stroke dependability and direction on shots within reach, including forehand and backhand volleys, but still lacks depth and variety, seldom double faults and occasionally forces errors on the serve.

4.0 This player has dependable strokes on both forehand and backhand sides; has the ability to use a variety of shots including lobs, overheads, approach shots and volleys; can play the first serve and force some errors, is seldom out of position in a doubles game.

4.5 This player has begun to master the use of power and spins; has sound footwork; can control depth of shots and is able to move opponent up and back; can hit first serves with power and accuracy and place the second serve; is able to rush net with some success on serve in singles as well as doubles.

5.0 This player has good shot anticipation; frequently has an outstanding shot or exceptional consistency around which a game may be structured; can regularly hit winners or force errors off of short balls; can successfully execute lobs, dropshots, half volleys and overhead smashes; has good depth and spin on most second serves.

5.5 This player can execute all strokes offensively and defensively; can hit dependable shots under pressure; is able to analyze opponents' styles and can employ pattern of play to assure the greatest possibility of winning points; can hit winners or force errors with both first and second serves. Return of serve can be an offensive weapon.

6.0 This player has mastered all the above skills; has developed power and/or consistency as a major weapon; and can vary strategies and styles of play in a competitive situation. This player typically has had intensive training for national competition at junior or collegiate levels.

6.5 This player has mastered all of the above skills and is an experiencd tournament competitor who regularly travels for competition and whose income may be partially derived from prize winnings.

7.0 This is a world class player. Variations are measured by computerized rankings.

Lake Saint Louis
Tennis Association
Tennis Court Etiquette

  • ...walk into or behind another court while play is in progress. Wait until the current point is finished.
  • ...allow cell phones to ring on the tennis courts. Set cell phones on silentvibrate or OFF.
  • ...keep talk and loud noises on court to a minimum.
  • ...turn "OFF" cell phones or switch them to "vibrate" or "silent".
  • ...enter courts at the gate closest to your court without passing behind other courts. If this is not possible, wait until points being played have been finished before entering tennis courts.
  • by the Official USTA Rules of Tennis"Friend at Court" (click here to download pdf booklet).
  • a "Let" if a ball rolls into your court during a point. Return the ball promptly to the proper court.
  • ...make all calls instantly.
  • ...give your opponent the benefit of doubt on all calls.
  • ...avoid arguments. Re-read the comment above.
  • ...provide your fair share of new balls.

Copyright © 1974-2025 Lake St. Louis Tennis Association. All Rights Reserved.